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Thank You for Joining Chris Maxwell’s Equilibrium Launch Party!

Chris Maxwell’s Equilibrium Launch Party HQ!

Here’s what you get:

  1. Free advanced copy of Equilibrium eBook
  2. Sneak peek at Equilibrium video resources
  3. Daily media drops for your Social Media shares
  4. Virtual Launch Party
  5. Chris Maxwell’s undying love and gratitude
  6. A really good feeling in your heart from sharing Equilibrium with others


Here’s what you do:

  1. Sign up for the Equilibrium Launch Party using the form.
  2. Download your free preview copy of Equilibrium (check your email inbox after signing up)
  3. Open your daily email media drop.
  4. Share the daily media drops on your Social Media
  5. Tell friends and family about the launch and about Equilibrium.
  6. Download a free Kindle copy of Equilibrium from Amazon on April 1.
  7. Post a review on Amazon April 2-5.
  8. Be a part of the launch party celebration on April 5

Share Equilibrium!

We’ll be posting each day on these Social Media Accounts. Share the daily posts on your Social!


