Truth Telling by Andrea Summers

Truth Telling by Andrea Summers

Being honest and being a truth-teller are two different things. I learned the importance of honesty in seventh grade when, after an entire semester of forging my mother’s signature on my practice report for band, my parents made me go to my band teacher and confess my...
Listening Prayer by Anneliese Dalaba

Listening Prayer by Anneliese Dalaba

A man who grew up in church all his life complained to his friends one day. “Why do people say, ‘God told me this or that?’ I’ve never heard God say anything to me!”  Perhaps you have felt the same.   God does speak to us and in many ways. Most often, He speaks...
Thoughts on Underwater by Marsha Bozeman

Thoughts on Underwater by Marsha Bozeman

Visit HERE to purchase your copy of Underwater. I remember the day in March 1996 when we received a phone call that our friend and pastor Chris Maxwell was in the hospital, and they weren’t sure exactly what was wrong. We came to learn that he was diagnosed with...