by Chris Maxwell | Nov 30, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Chapter three in Things We’ve Handed Down is, like each chapter in the book, a letter. And it is, like each chapter, based on a book which impacted my life. And this chapter, like chapter two, is about wounds. We know about wounds. We have all experienced wounds. We...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 14, 2024 | Blog
How do you begin a book? Start with humor? Offer an inviting story? To lure readers to dive in and stay in the stream of words, what is the best literary enticement? How should I begin my book, Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You? I...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 11, 2024 | Blog
Do you use either of these two words? Peculiar? Treasures? Do you ever use them together: peculiar treasures? I rarely say, or write, peculiar. I rarely state, or type, treasures. I rarely mention, or journal, peculiar treasures. But in my book Things...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 7, 2024 | Blog
My latest book, Things We’ve Handed Down: Letters I Leave for You, is about books. What I have read through the years that impacted my life in positive ways. What I want others to read as I process lessons learned and applied from those books. Each of the twelve...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 4, 2024 | Blog
Are you anxious? If so, about what? Are you afraid? If so, why? What are your biggest fears? How do you respond when you feel those fears? How do past hurts influence your present decisions? What can you do to work through those hurts in healthy...