Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

As I’m writing this blog I’m listening to “Pilgrim,” a song by John Mark McMillan. The lyrics remind me of my mood while I was writing chapter five in my book Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You.  Like each chapter in this book, I wrote about my...
Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness

Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness

Our dependable source of accurate information, AI, has informed me that the average person hears between 20,000 to 30,000 words each day. And, that the average person says around 15,000 to 16,000 words each day. I’m not sure how many I have heard or stated...
The End

The End

Our flight has ended. Our next trip now begins.  The plane has landed. Another plane is taking off.  What did you enjoy from your journey 2024? What lessons did you learn? What struggles did you endure? What encounters did you enjoy?  What parts of...
Difficult Decembers

Difficult Decembers

Months bring their moods. They arrive in a hurry and depart even faster. But they bring tradition, memories, stories, experiences.  December always does.  In my younger years, the twelfth month brought her weather and her holidays. Christmas easily became my...


Today is 12/12.  Actually 12/12/24.  “Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You” is my 12th book. It has 12 chapters. Some people have purchased 12 copies to give away to others.  So, I guess 12 is an important number. At least for this...