From Chapter 23, “The Cry,” in Pause With Jesus: Encountering His Story in Everyday Life.

Each of my books emphasizes prayer. Sometimes those prayers are just getting to the point. Other times, when we have no specific words to voice, lingering in God’s presence and enjoying Him is fine. Letting Him speak to us is good. Listening and learning through various spiritual methods of communicating with Jesus are all good.

But sometimes we should just ask to see.

With reverence but without hesitation.

With desperation but without elaboration.

Jesus asked. Bartimaeus answered by asking to see.

Jesus then told the beggar to go. He did not give specific direction, saying, “Be on your way.”

Christ’s command included a benefit, “Your faith has healed you.”

What had happened? “Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus down the road.”

What if Bartimaeus had remained in the rut of his begging, never venturing out in faith? What if the crowd’s objections had deterred him from pursuing Jesus with tenacity? What if he had stopped at any point along the way?

Are we afraid to cry out? Is it hard to admit utter helplessness? What obstacles deter our pursuit? Do memories of unanswered prayers in the past paralyze dreams in the present?


Call out to God in desperation.

Beg and plead.


Those cries are fine. The Listening Doctor can choose to bless beggars like us on days like today.