Yes, sad days and bad times visit us.

Yes, life is difficult.

Yes, we sometimes feel overwhelmed.

But, so much good is nearby.

God cares deeply. He never leaves us or abandons us. He hears us, helps us, loves us.

Our minds often list the negatives.

Let’s choose to write the many positives. Today.

Good things are happening all around us. We shouldn’t live in denial of our sadness or the bad news. But neither should we be controlled by it.

What has brought sadness your way recently? How have you responded? What healthy steps can you take to deal appropriately with that sadness?

What good things are in your life that you often ignore? How can you better appreciate and celebrate them?

Begin today with a better awareness of the many good parts of your life story.

Hope is near.

God is here.

Welcome the good news—even when shedding a few tears.