Jesus returned,
walking dusty roads
back home, if He had a home.
back to familiar faces,
back to the places
where stories started
with laughter heard
and lessons learned,
where the synagogue’s walls
held prayers heard
during His childhood,
His teens,
His twenties.
now, at thirty-years-old
a beginning begins, the new arrives.
Jesus had been baptized,
the water a reminder of the story,
of His story, of our stories.
He left the moist memory
and traveled into the wilderness.
like life, from water and wind,
from Father and Spirit,
from a statement of pleasure,
into the wild, the temptations, the battle.
a wilderness can be lonely,
but, even there, especially there,
the Spirit remains,
and the Word stays.
Jesus left the war and returned home.
toward a new battle, a long battle,
He returned,
filled with power,
filled with purpose,
filled with fulfillment.
the news spread like wind.
rumors started, were heard,
as uncertainty felt certain.
“Jesus is back.
the Carpenter’s Son,
the Quiet Boy turned teacher.
have you heard His words?
have you seen His works?”
there He stood.
there, in a place He had been,
in a place He had known and heard.
in the synagogue,
in His hometown.
nazareth, with its narrow streets,
now so small for the weight
He carried within Him.
He was handed the scroll.
He responded by reading from
the prophet isaiah,
familiar words, ancient promises,
statements Jesus had heard,
had read, had known,
for so long.
but that moment was different.
that time was a new time.
“the Spirit of the Lord is on Me,
because He has anointed Me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners,
recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
He read.
He rolled the scroll.
He sat down.
eyes locked on Him,
minds unsure what to think.
He broke the silence,
not with thunder,
not with judgment,
not with loud noise,
but with a statement of truth, of grace:
“today this scripture is fulfilled
in your hearing.”
with a statement which would
change the world.
the weight of His words lingered:
what was promised was present.
what was spoken was seen.
what was hoped for had come.
He returned,
not defeated by the wilderness,
but empowered by the Spirit.
He taught with authority,
lived with purpose,
and offered, and offers,
the same Spirit to us.
how can we return—not weary—but
filled with the Spirit’s power?
the scroll held words written long ago,
but the Word stood among them.
the Word holding the words of the word.
good news wasn’t a theory;
it was a person.
freedom wasn’t a dream;
it was a touch.
healing wasn’t a hope;
it was His presence.
i think, about them,
about Him,
about me, about us.
do we see Him as the fulfillment,
or do we still wait for something else?
are we still waiting?
His mission was clear:
good news for the poor,
freedom for the bound,
healing for the broken,
sight for the blind.
the mission wasn’t His alone;
it is ours.
how do we join Him in this mission—
to proclaim, to heal, to restore?
He returned that day,
not as they expected,
not as they imagined.
and still, He returns.
not at the end of the world,
but at the beginning of something new:
in every heart He redeems,
in every life He transforms.
His return wasn’t just for a hometown.
it wasn’t just for them there.
it was for the poor,
the blind,
the broken,
the prisoner.
it was for us.
and now, through us,
He returns again and again.
when we walk the dusty roads of service,
when we speak the good news of hope,
when we live the love of Jesus.
our focus should not only be
on the Jesus who will return someday
in glory and triumph.
but on the Jesus who returned
to galilee,
to ministry,
to fulfillment,
and who now returns
through us,
for others.
because the Spirit of the Lord
is still on Him.
and now,
the Spirit of the Lord
is on us.
Christ before us. Christ with us. Christ in us. Beautiful depiction of wondrous truth! Thank you, dear friend!
This is excellent, this was perfect to read before starting my day. Thank you!
Love this stanza:
and still, He returns.
not at the end of the world,
but at the beginning of something new:
in every heart He redeems,
in every life He transforms.
I love seeing the humanity of Jesus the first part of this poem. Jesus definitely looked at the synagogue walls he once sat in as a younger man. How did those eyes see after the wilderness?
Great poem, Chris.
Excellent. Profound truth captured in simple actions, momentous events in a moment of time. We are drawn in, and prepared to be sent out.
I think this is a beautiful poem that greatly captures the story from Luke 4. Hearing it told like this in a different way helps lock that story into my mind and gives it a sense of great depth. It provoked thoughts that I have not had from initially reading this story in the Bible. I love the part that reads “eyes locked on Him, minds unsure what to think” because it made me wonder how I would have reacted in that moment. Additionally, I love how you described the word and the Word. The Word is a person, and it is Jesus. “The Word holding the words of the word.” I find that profound. Again, beautifully written.
Great post Chris, very thought provoking!
The poem beautifully captures Jesus as man and Jesus as God. The Gospel that Jesus proclaimed is for everyone. I think it is easy at times to read the Gospels on the bible or even the New Testament in general and differentiate ourselves from the people Jesus was preaching to, but that is not the case. We are apart of the people in need of the good news. His mission still exists today.
“His mission was clear:
good news for the poor,
freedom for the bound,
healing for the broken,
sight for the blind.
the mission wasn’t His alone;
it is ours.”
I love this stanza!
What a beautifully written reflection! You’ve really captured the heart of Jesus’ return in a powerful way. I love how you connect His mission with ours, showing that His return isn’t just something for the future, but something we get to be a part of now. The way you describe how we’re called to share the good news, bring healing, and show love is so inspiring. Your reminder that the Spirit empowers us to continue His work is exactly what we need to hear. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and encouraging message!
This poem captures the essence of what God in the flesh really means. I love that when I was reading this I could picture everything that was happening in my mind. Thank you for this.
I think this piece beautifully highlights how Jesus’ mission is not just a future event, but something that happens through us today. It reminds us that we’re called to live out His love and purpose now, empowered by the Spirit. It challenges me to focus on fulfilling His mission in my daily life.
This poem is beautiful! There are so many different aspects to it that create so many different avenues for ways to stretch your normal way of thinking. Thinking of Jesus as a true real person is still something that blows my mind. He was normal, he was human, he had friends and jokes, things he liked and disliked. Then on the other end, being able to think about who he is in spirit, and what all he exactly does for us!
I enjoyed this poem as it mentioned the Holy Spirit in every stanza. It becomes difficult for me to keep him as prominent as he should be while reading some deeply imaginative scripture, but this poem does a great job of keeping him and his presence engaged with the reader.
This is such an empowering poem not only to remind us that Jesus was once in the same predicaments that we are in everyday, but also to show us that the Holy Spirit is always within us and it prominent in everything we do.
That contrast between the ordinary (dusty roads and familiar faces) and the extraordinary (His divine calling, His anointing) makes His mission feel both intimate and cosmic. The way you describe Him reading from Isaiah, rolling up the scroll, and sitting down is incredibly powerful- the silence that follows, the weight of His words lingering; this moment feels sacred.
Great read to start the day!
I really appreciate this post because it can be so easy to look for the next thing. As modern people we like closure and we like to close each chapter in our lives as we have made it through them. But sometimes we are not called to move forward, but rather we are called to return to where we have already been with a new hope and new insight. This post was a great reminder of that.