A friend said, “Hey, Chris. What’s your new book about?”

“Things Weve Handed Down is about lessons I’ve learned from books. How those books impacted my life,” I said. “Stories that have helped me find hope through disappointments and wounds.”

“What is one way it’s different from your other books?” he asked.

“Each chapter is written in the style of a letter to a friend,” I said. “And every chapter is based upon a book which helped me in deep ways.”

He said, “Tell me three of the books you’ve liked that you included chapters about.”

It was hard to only select three, but I did. I said, “Disappointment with God, The Wounded Healer, and Surprised by Joy. Those three books—and those three chapters in this book—provide an overall flavor of the Things We’ve Handed Down.”

“I like it,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll love the book. October 1, right?”

“Yes, it comes out October 1,” I said. “I hope you enjoy it.”