Yes, another book. The twelfth book I’ve written. And this one is a book about books.

It’s about books I’ve read. Though, of course, not all of them. Some of my favorite books. Though, of course, not all of my favorites.

Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You is about books which handed so much to my life that they are now the books I want to hand down to others. That’s what I’m hoping to do. Through my hands typing sentences and stories, I’m hoping to hand encouragement down to readers.

Think about books you’ve read. Through the years. Through the seasons. Through the decades. What books come to your mind as you remember how words on pages have impacted your life?

Why that book? What the other one? What lessons did you learn? Why was the timing just what you needed? How can you continue applying those lessons you learned? If you wrote a note to the authors of those books, what would you write?

That’s all for now.

I will write more soon. More words. More words about books. And more words about the things we’ve handed down.