As parents we want our kids to grow up to live “happily ever after.”  We want that for ourselves too.  It doesn’t take much real life experience to realize that life doesn’t come with a “happiness guarantee.”  As a parent. What can you do to help your child grow up to experience all the significance, purpose and joy that God intends?

Every parent I know feels insecure and secretly wonders if they are messing up their kids’ lives. You hope (and pray) your kids turn out ok.

You and I don’t need a list of more things to do – and we certainly don’t need to feel judged.

Let’s not do more – let’s do different! 

There are some things you can do to help shape a positive plot line for your child’s life.

I have just co-authored a book with noted psychologist and counselor, Dr. James Coffield. It’s called Shaping Your Family Story: How Imperfect Parents Create Hope and Promise for Their Children. I’m happy to share it with you.

Click here for your FREE SAMPLE (3 chapters).

Warning: these ideas may go against the grain of what you often hear – but they work!

Jim and I have walked through our own messes so we don’t offer pious promises or unrealistic success formulas.  Shaping Your Family Story is a parenting book for people who probably hate most parenting books!  Here’s a very brief example (the book offers much more insight and detail).

How do you keep your kids safe?  First, recognize that safety today is not just shielding your kids from external dangers, like being bullied school or drinking the drain cleaner left in an open container under the sink.  There are internal dangers kids need to be protected from as well – like knowing your home is a place of unconditional love – not perfection, but a love that restores when a mistake is made, that offers more encouragement than correction.

Then there are the eternal dangers that can derail a person from inheriting the best life possible. Like letting your kids grow up thinking the world revolves around them. (hint, it doesn’t). Or they never learn the concept of “delayed gratification” or that discipline is actually an amazing act of love.  The only way a person can learn to be disciplined in their behavior is by being disciplined.

If you’d like to learn how to make your family story one that is not only positive and memorable, but one that impacts the culture around us into future generations, this is a book worth reading!

To order, just click this link.

Through Next Generation Institute (a not-for-profit 501c3 organization), we have partnered with other non-profit organizations around the country to make the book available FREE OF CHARGE to families in need. So when you order the book for yourself, you are also helping us support and encourage single moms, single dads, and families facing significant challenges with their kids. To find out more, just click here.