Chapter 2: Be Faithful in the Little

A Life in Uneven Surface

Life is like walking downhill over the rocks. The slopes and the sharp rocks remind us of danger. Healthy equilibrium isn’t staying away from the downhill slants or the harsh drops; it is gaining a better perspective on obtaining and maintaining stability there.

Life is like driving a boat. The waves shout their declarations. The forecasts can fail to become realities. Fitting equilibrium finds joy even when the vessel is no longer anchored.

Life is like riding a plane. The takeoff and the landing aren’t always smooth. The weather isn’t always calm. Appropriate equilibrium finds ways to stay behind the belt on our seat in the plane while finding wonder in the wind.

But how? How can we maintain organization in our disorganized realities? How can we find ways to take safe steps through our risky hills? How can we smile and find wonder in the waves we cannot control? How can we sit and nap as life’s jets soar through the storms of political disagreements, church decline, emotional pandemonium, racial division, deep hate, medical crises, financial fears, and non-stop bad news of personal and global damage?

In these uneven surfaces of life, we can establish patterns that give a better balance as we walk while leaning, feeling a little dizzy, and wondering if we are going to fall.

Equilibrium is about finding our own balance. Through these pages, I’ll confess my thoughts. You’ll notice the title reveals my hope: that we find a balanced approach to this life of uneven surfaces.

As we travel, as we trip, as we fall, let us step up—receiving help from others. As we stand, let us continue the journey. Toward healing. Toward anticipation. Toward assurance. Toward an ongoing relationship with the Creator of equilibrium and uneven surfaces. Remembering there are times when our only way to stay standing, is to let our Creator’s love hold us.

These pages provide thirty-one ways that help me believe His love is holding me on life’s bumpy expeditions.

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Each chapter is a gem, full of insight into human behavior, poignant stories, and practical advice. He doesn’t write as someone removed from hardship, but as a person who knows the depths of God’s grace and the assurance of God’s unfailing love. Maxwell is a wise sage and a companion brother. You can trust that he will not lead you wrong.

Cheryl Bridges-Johns

Senior Professor of Discipleship & Christian Formation, Pentecostal Theological Seminary